Monthly Archives: March 2020

Location: Zu San Li (ST36) is located four finger widths down from the bottom of your knee cap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone. If you are in the right place, a muscle should pop out as you move your foot up and down.
Ref examples:


Where can you buy a moxa stick?

COVID-19 has shown in Chichester

A patient I visited this morning has been diagnosed as COVID-19 infected (I’ve equipped up during the visit; Finger crossed!). I also heard that infected people in St Richard Hospital too. The virus has been around us already. So be careful and self-quarantine as much as you can.

Discussions on This Blog

Because it is difficult for us to meet for our weekly sessions, I am working on opening comments and discussions on this blog. Please see if you are able to add your own comments.

Wishing you health and happiness,
